Thankful 2020

come as you are 2017

gospel with strings 2016

lady sings the blues

blues in the night 2008

timeless ballads 2007

take me blues
Revisited 2008

homage to martin
luther king 2016

on my way 2013

be still my soul and
listen 2013

christmas heartbeat

the love songs 2015

Thankful (2020)

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Come as You are (2017)

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Gospel With Strings (2016)

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Homage to Martin Luther King (2016)

Momentan ausverkauft

Lady sings the Blues (2016)

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On my Way (2013)

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Blues In The Night (2008)

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be still my soul and listen (2013)

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Timeless Ballads (2007)

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Christmas Heart Beat (2010)

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Take Me Blues (Revisited 2008)

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The Love Songs (2015)

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